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Last updated: January 24, 2024

Moving Mountains burger review – is it worth buying?

Is the Moving Mountains burger a vegan burger worth buying, or is it just another unnecessary meat alternative? Find out here on my Moving Mountains burger review.

Moving mountains vegan burgers in cardboard packaging

We are absolutely swimming in vegan burger alternatives and many people already have their firm favourites. Do we really need to discuss any more vegan burgers? Is a Moving Mountains burger review really necessary?

Well, I have started to get really annoyed with the amount of plastic that vegan burgers are packaged in. You’ll be hard-pushed to find any good ones that aren’t. So I was really pleasantly surprised to find these frozen burgers from Moving Mountains that come packaged in cardboard. No plastic is to be found!

So, yes, I do believe it is important to continue the vegan burger debate. Because we need to find the best alternatives that taste great and cause as little impact on our planet as possible.

Read on to find out whether I think these are the vegan burgers that you should now be buying.

Review summary of Moving Mountains Burger

I find that most vegan burger alternatives are much of a muchness, and I guess the same could be said for those from Moving Mountains. But I do love that these come packaged inside cardboard. So if I am going to enjoy a burger every so often, I will definitely be buying these.

Product brand: Moving Mountains

Editor’s rating: 4/5



Now on to the juicy bit. Let me take you through the things I really enjoyed about these Moving Mountains burgers.

Cooked moving mountains burger inside a bun

It has a meaty taste & texture

These vegan burgers can be used as a direct alternative to animal-based burgers because they are quite meat-like. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that a vegan would be freaked out if they ate them, but you could fool an unsuspecting non-vegan if you served this up inside their burger bun.

It is really easy on the palette and works well when topped with a slice of vegan cheese, and some lettuce and tomato, sandwiched inside a burger bun.

I find that they have a good bite to them. The burger doesn’t completely disintegrate inside your mouth. Meaning you actually get something that resembles a burger, not just a load of veg blended into mush.

Frozen vegan burger patties by Moving Mountains

It comes in plastic-free packaging

This for me is what really sets these vegan burgers apart from the rest. Just like many of the others, they are meaty and high in protein. But unlike the others, there is no plastic packaging!

Whenever I have bought these they have been delivered frozen, meaning they don’t stick together inside the packaging. And I believe this is how they get away with keeping them inside cardboard without any plastic separating them.

Many other vegan burgers are sold fresh and they can be so sticky, so I could see them getting very messy if they were kept inside just a cardboard sleeve. So kudos to Moving Mountains, selling these frozen means that I can avoid buying any plastic whenever I have a burger craving.

Close up of Moving Mountains vegan burger

It is high in protein

In one burger patty, you are getting more than 15g of protein. So you can settle any of those boring ‘where do vegans get their protein from?’ debates by telling them that you get all of yours from these vegan burgers.

Well, don’t actually do that. Because eating processed food too often isn’t that good for you, vegan or not.

But these make for the perfect occasional treat. They are made using naturally high protein ingredients, like soya and pea. So you can smugly enjoy that treat knowing that you are eating protein that hasn’t caused any unnecessary harm to animals.

My thoughts on the product

I love that these burgers come packaged in a cardboard sleeve rather than plastic, which is why I now buy these over any others when I am having burgers for dinner.

Like many other similar vegan burger alternatives, they taste meaty and have a good burger-like texture. So these will be enjoyed by vegans and non-vegans alike.

Areas of improvement

Whilst these Moving Mountains burgers are made up mostly of soya and pea protein, they do also contain gluten, meaning they aren’t suitable for gluten-free diets.

This is a shame for anyone who is coeliac or has a gluten intolerance.

I myself do have a slight intolerance to gluten so I really struggle with seitan products. But I do find that I can tolerate the Moving Mountains burgers fine, probably because gluten isn’t the main ingredient like it would be in a seitan product.

Review conclusion

If you love meaty burgers and want to reduce plastic waste in your home (which we all should be doing!), then I really do recommend these Moving Mountains burgers.

They taste great, have a good burger-like texture, and they come packaged in cardboard, so there is no plastic here!

Moving mountains vegan burgers in cardboard packaging

Where can you buy the product?

There are currently just a few places you can purchase Moving Mountains burgers, including Ocado and Waitrose.


Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the Moving Mountains burger.

What does Moving Mountains burger taste like?

The burgers by Moving Mountains taste quite meaty and you could argue that a meat eater may not notice they are eating a vegan burger if you gave them this. They are well-seasoned and work well as a beef burger replacement.

What is a Moving Mountains burger?

The Moving Mountains burger is a quarter-pounder burger alternative made from pea and soya protein. It is sold frozen and can be cooked as such, either in a frying pan or on the BBQ. You can pair it up with a burger bun, vegan cheese, tomato, lettuce, and ketchup to make a vegan cheeseburger.

Lucy the founder of Edible Ethics vegan food blog eating vegan noodles in a plant based restaurant

Lucy Johnson

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