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Last updated: October 28, 2024

The 6 best vegan baking cookbooks: cakes, cookies, bread +

Baking is great fun, when it goes right. And it is so easy to get it wrong! Particularly when experimenting with vegan alternatives like aquafaba and flaxseed ‘eggs’. Which is why I love these vegan baking cookbooks!

Inside a vegan baking cookbook with the recipe for a chocolate cake open on top of a white table

I love any excuse to bake, be it cakes, cookies, or bread. Not only do I enjoy eating it all, but I also really enjoy the precision of baking.

But this is also what makes baking so hard, particularly when using vegan ingredients which haven’t been honed over time like their animal-based counterparts. That’s why a vegan baking cookbook is super handy!

I am a big fan of vegan cookbooks in general. They are a great source of inspiration and you can learn a thing or two in the process. These 100% vegan baking cookbooks are no exception!

Learn everything from gluten-free vegan baking to mastering your own sourdough loaves. Happy vegan baking!

My top picks

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The Vegan Baking Bible_ Over 300 Recipes for Bakes, Cakes, Treats and Sweets - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks

The Vegan Baking Bible

  • Author: Karolina Tegelaar
  • Recipes: 300+
  • Price: £26

If variety is your thing, then you’ll love this baking bible with over 300 vegan recipes for you to try! It includes recipes for all the baking classics, like carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies.

The introduction of the book includes plenty of tips and tricks for you to get started, as well as troubleshooting advice. Which is perfect for those of us who are just getting started on our baking journeys.

If you are looking for an all-rounder baking cookbook then this is the one! You’ll never run out of recipes to try and you’ll get the opportunity to learn a lot of cool new stuff.

A New Way to Bake_ Re-imagined Recipes for Plant-based Cakes, Bakes and Desserts - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks

A New Way to Bake

  • Author: Philip Khoury
  • Recipes: 80+
  • Price: £30

If you are a bit of a baking geek then you’ll want to get this vegan baking cookbook from pastry chef, Philip Khoury. He breaks down all of his recipes into easy-to-follow steps and provides explanations on why each step is necessary. It is the perfect blend of science and baking fun!

You will learn a lot from this book, including essential baking know-how and eventually, the ability to transform and create your own recipes from scratch!

In the meantime, you can be baking his delicious vegan tiramisu, lamingtons, or eton mess! And they are some seriously good desserts, which is no surprise since they were created by a professional chef.

Bred_ Sourdough Loaves, Small Breads, and Other Plant-Based Baking - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks


  • Author: Ed & Natasha Tatton
  • Recipes: 100+
  • Price: £33.99

This one is for all the sourdough lovers out there! I have my own sourdough starter called Percy and thanks to this cookbook, I’ve been able to create some fantastic loaves using him.

I’ve always wanted to master the art of sourdough baking but all other sourdough cookbooks include non-vegan recipes. So I was very happy when Ed Tatton, owner of BReD sourdough bakery in Whistler, brought out this book!

As well as sourdough loaves, there are amazing recipes for using sourdough discard, as well as some sweet bakes, including the best vegan chocolate cake I’ve ever made! Find out more in my full BReD cookbook review.

Simply Vegan Baking_ Taking the faff out of vegan cakes, cookies, breads and desserts - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks

Simply Vegan Baking

  • Author: Freya Cox
  • Recipes: 70
  • Price: £18.99

Simply Vegan Baking was created by Freya Cox, a vegan contestant from The Great British Bake Off. She has since launched her Instagram page and brought out this book, jam-packed full of easy vegan baking recipes!

If you love baking but hate anything too complicated, then this book is perfect for you. It is also a great place to start if you are new to baking.

The recipes are all pretty simple, not requiring any crazy specialist ingredients. Everything can be sourced from your local supermarket! You’ll learn how to create vegan versions of all your favourite bakes including Victoria sponge cake, cinnamon rolls, school cake, and lemon meringue pie.

The Beginner's Guide to Gluten-Free Vegan Baking_ 60 Easy Plant-Based Desserts for Any Occasion - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks

The Beginner’s Guide to Gluten-Free Vegan Baking

  • Author: Gina Fontana
  • Recipes: 60
  • Price: £16.99

If you are gluten-free and vegan then you can still enjoy baking and eating delicious sweet treats. I’ve created a lot of my own gluten-free vegan baked goods and have had significant success doing so!

This vegan gluten-free baking cookbook is further proof that you don’t need to miss out, with delicious recipes for carrot cake, cookie dough, fudgy brownies, and much more!

You will also discover some essential tips and tricks for creating successful gluten-free vegan bakes, including useful ingredient swaps and techniques.

The Nordic Baker_ Plant-Based Bakes and Seasonal Stories from a Kitchen in the Heart of Sweden - one of the best vegan baking cookbooks

The Nordic Baker

  • Author: Sofia Nordgren
  • Recipes: 100+
  • Price: £20

This vegan baking cookbook is a little different from the rest as it focuses primarily on Swedish baking. I love being able to learn more about the cuisine, just with a vegan twist!

The book follows the seasons, which means you can bake more sustainably throughout the year. It is also packed full of beautiful photography and stories from the author.

You can expect to cook Kladdkaka (a gooey Swedish cake) in the Spring, cherry pies in the Summer, Lingonberry cake in the Autumn, and gingerbread bundt cake in the winter. The recipes are all really high quality and it’s great fun learning about a new cuisine at the same time!

You may also be interested in: My favourite vegan Christmas cookbooks.

Lucy the founder of Edible Ethics vegan food blog eating vegan noodles in a plant based restaurant

Lucy Johnson

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